Comment: Importing a Boat from America to Australia Issues to Watch out for.

Hey Tony

Firstly, great read and I hope the boat, despite the experience, is up to your expectations. And judging from your final sentence I’m taking that it is…

It was good to see you give an account of your experience “warts and all” as all to often it seems an easy process, order something from overseas, bring it in yourself, and save a bucket load of cash.

The reality is often quite different and in some ways it gives you an appreciation of what retailers in Australia go through on a regular basis, and one of he reasons why products that seemingly look cheap, have such a mark-up when sold locally.

I’m betting you’re going to get Out and About and enjoy it. Good luck with it, and post some pictures of the big fish you catch…

Cheers, Baz, The Landy
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Reply By: Tonyfish#58 - Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:22

Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:22
Thanks for the good cheers Baz! We have had 8hrs in it now and one fishing trip which resulted in a good catch. It performs very well!

In the end it was more than I would have paid for a boat, but now we have it. It was still 30k - 50k cheaper than you could buy in Australia for something comparable, but there is no Warranty!
AnswerID: 548996

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